Animal Companion Therapy
Animal Samaritans believes in the healing power of animal-human connections. People have recognized this capacity for millennia. It’s part of the reason our relationships with our animal friends are so meaningful to us. They are bonds as strong as family, and at Animal Samaritans, we honor them as such.
Because of this, AnSam’s created healing curricula that offer animal companionship as a form of treatment. These animal-assisted interventions are endorsed by human healthcare providers as cost-effective interventions for specific patient populations in these various facilities.
We bring specially trained animals to hospitals, group homes, correctional facilities, senior homes and more. It’s some of our most important work.
For more information on ACT please send an email to
Volunteers and their companion animals visit the residents and patients of a variety of facilities, offering touching, petting, playing with, and experiencing the unconditional affection of a pet.
Studies show animals, especially dogs, can have significant influence on mental and physical health in humans, particularly during times of stress, crisis, illness, and loss. Being in the presence of an animal or petting an animal has a calming effect. Animal Samaritans has provided animal companion therapy in the Coachella Valley for more than 25 years.
Studies Show:
· Patients with hypertension have a decrease in blood pressure and so does the dog.
· There is a 37% drop in anxiety levels prior to a medical procedure when time is spent with a dog just before the procedure.
· Decreases in minor health problems are seen in those people who bring pets into their lives, and those who have pets, recover quicker from minor health problems.
· Sexually abused children respond well to pet therapy. They will talk to a dog when they won’t talk to an adult/therapist.
· Sexually abused adults recover quicker emotionally when pet therapy is added.
· Children with low reading skills improve significantly when they can read aloud to a dog. It is a non-threatening, supportive environment. No criticism from the dog builds confidence.
· Animal Companion Therapy (ACT): Qualified ACT dogs visit Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Hospitals, and many other types of facilities, helping patients feel at ease in a stressful setting.
· Reading Programs: Qualified ACT dogs visit schools and local libraries with a mission to improve children’s reading skills.
· Humane Education Presentations: Working with our Humane Educators to bring therapy dogs into classrooms during presentations.
Meet the roster
Take a closer look at the dogs apart of the Animal Samaritans Animal Companion program.

Breed: Golden Doodle | Birthday: March 2, 2023 | Sex: Female | Bio: Alli is a 16-month-old Golden Doodle. Alli was put on this earth to be petted. Her life revolves around anyone who will pet her. Her playmate is a 9-pound Chihuahua. Allis is goofy and loves to sleep in very awkward positions. Alli has very soulful eyes that feel like she is looking into your soul. Allis still enjoys getting into mischief by taking socks, digging in the dirt, or counter surfing for treats.

Breed: Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepherd, Maremma Sheepdog and Rottweiler | Birthday: September 14, 2017 | Sex: Female | Bio: Angel was born in North Carolina and loves to play and run, even though she lost her left front leg at 7 months old due to injury. She is very fast and can be as naughty as a young puppy. She loves to play with her older brother and chases her cat, Penelope, though she will also clean her face for her. She loves car rides to the dog park to play with doggie friends, going to work with Mom and chewing things—even some things that are not hers!

Breed: Australian Labradoodle | Birthday: September 28, 2016 | Sex: Female | Bio: Annie is a sweet, petite 19 lb bundle of joy. She loves to run and play. She is funny and good natured and will melt your heart when she looks into your eyes.

Breed: Bernedoodle | Birthday: May 14, 2022, | Sex: Female | Bio: Annie is very sweet, friendly, and social with other dogs and loves all humans too! I realized that she would be so good to be an ACT dog and we could do our volunteer work together. She loves to play fetch.

Breed: Alusky (Husky/Malamute Mix) | Birthday: January 9, 2018 | Sex: Female | Bio: Full of energy and enthusiasm, Bella loves everyone she meets! Some of her favorite activities are going on walks, chasing balls, playing with her four-legged pals and making new friends. She loves to show off her tricks and be rewarded with tummy rubs and treats. This gentle giant is loving, loyal and kind.

Breed: Standard Poodle | Birthday: December 12, 2020 | Sex: Male | Bio: Beau is gentle, friendly and loves meeting new people. One of his favorite things to do is to chase. The thing he loves the most is liver treats.

Breed: Golden Labrador | Birthday: September 14 , 2017 | Sex: Female | Bio: In the Spring of 2020, Berta (AKA Birdie) was adopted from Guide Dogs of the Desert in Whitewater, California. She was trained as a guide dog for three and a half years, but she just wanted to be a normal dog, so she had a change of career and was adopted. She loves to meet people and be petted, especially on her belly. She loves other dogs, chasing birds and geckos, going on walks, playing at dog parks, and playing sniff-out-the-treat games. She also sleeps upside down with her tongue hanging out. Birdie loves life!

Breed: Yorkshire Terrier Mix | Birthday: July 29, 2020 | Sex: Male | Bio: Corky was adopted from Animal Samaritans No-Kill Shelter, where he and his two brothers received lots of loving care. He is curious, cuddly, and very cute. Corky has fun playing with his big "brother", Motto. He loves his chew toys and all his stuffed animals. He wants to meet everyone he sees. Corky is a tiny bundle of joy!

Breed: Standard Poodle | Birthday: April 29, 2016 | Female | Bio: Dee Dee is calm, and comfortable with being hugged, and letting everyone pet her. Dee Dee brings a smile to everyone because she gives herself to whomever wants to be with her. She loves catching tennis balls. She runs the fastest of all the dogs in a dog park. "Our grandchildren tell us: "Dee Dee is my dog".

Breed: Shih Tzu | Birthday: December 1, 2013 | Sex: Female | Bio: Farrah came to us from the Yucca Valley Animal Shelter as a puppy. She is a real people dog and very affectionate to almost everyone. She will run up to strangers and want to give them kisses. Any person who wants to interact with her is welcome. She is very intelligent and loves to play with toys. She will hold a toy in her mouth for up to an hour at a time and will run up to people and tap them on the foot to get their attention so she can show them her toy. Farrah worked in a pet store greeting customers for most of her life, and she is used to meeting new people, an interacting with them. Very indepedent, Farrah prefers to not to beheld or physically confined. Farrah is good with other dogs if they are not overly friendly. Overall, she craves human attention and is fine with new situations.

Breed: Standard Poodle | Birthday: March 27, 2019 | Sex: Female | Bio: Gracie has been a true joy since we got her at 10 weeks of age. She is exuberant and loves people as well as other dogs. She is a most affectionate animal. She especially favors grandchildren. She is also excellent at catching a ball, and she adores fetching as well as chewing dish towels and socks.

Breed: Maltese | Birthday: December 23, 2013 | Sex: Female | Bio: Glitter was born to give love and comfort. She is the most gentle and sweet natured dog. She weighs in at “almost” 4 pounds. She started her life as a show dog but did not weigh enough so fortunately I was blessed with getting her at 11 months. Glitter would spend her life on the couch or in bed cuddling all day if left up to her. She is the perfect therapy puppy!

Breed: White English Cream Golden Doodle | Birthday: June 3rd, 2017 | Sex: Male | Bio: Harbor loves going to the dog park every morning to play with his friends. He enjoys many outdoor activities. Swimming, kayaking, and paddle boarding are some of them. He is a great lifeguard and will swim to you if you need help. Hide and seek is one of his favorite games. He is very curious about everything. He loves any toy that squeaks.

Breed: Maltese | Birthday: March 3, 2013 | Sex: Female | Bio: Honey is so friendly and just loves everybody, and everybody loves her! She’s never barked or growled once, at any human. Everywhere I take her people comment to her “pretty” face, and everyone smiles at her when they see her. She loves to entertain others by finding hidden treats, which always delights her audience.

Breed: Lab Mix | Birthday: June 1, 2015 | Sex: Male | Bio: We rescued Jethro at six months old. Jethro loves his toys, playing ball and loves visiting the kids at school. Jethro is a talker and likes to sing the Happy Birthday song. Jethro loves to cuddle and is a giant lap dog.

Breed: Spinone Italiano Birthday: June 6, 2017 | Sex: Female | Bio: Jude is a Spinone Italiano. In addition to being a therapy dog, she is sociable, loves to hunt, and does agility training. She is affectionate and likes to comfort adults and children. She truly LOVES all people!

Breed: Maltipoo | Birthday: Kalani 12/2/2016 | Sex: Male | Bio: “Kalani” means “Sky "in Hawaiian, and rightly so. He loves to catch air by jumping on and off of high surfaces. His long legs make him quick and naturally agile.

Breed: Golden Doodle | Birthday: September 27, 2021 | Sex: Female | Bio: My name is Lucy Claire, and I am named after "I Love Lucy". I was bord just outside of Fresno, CA and have 6 siblings. My mom is a white beautiful white Poodle with brown markings. I weigh about 50lbs and have long legs and love to nap and sleep like a frog. I love to fetch my ball at a big field. Most days I play with lots of different dogs big and small, different breeds and colors. I love my PAWrents and aunties and uncles and all other human who always come to visit because they give me lots of good belly rubs and scratches.

Breed: Mini Golden Doodle | Birthday: March 28, 2021, | Sex: Female | Color: Cooper | Bio: Miley is a very friendly and sweet dog who loves to show affection and be petted by all. She is very smart and observant, and especially loves children, whipped cream and sniffing everything.

Breed: Golden Retriever | Birthday: July 1, 2016 | Sex: Female | Bio: Molly is a playful, loving, English Cream, 5-year-old Golden Retriever. Molly wants to be loved by everyone and she truly LOVES all people! She loves to greet children and adults.

Breed: Poodle Mix or “Poo” | Birthday: November 2, 2016 | Sex: Male | Bio: Moto was adopted from the Palm Springs Animal Shelter. He’s sweet, sensitive, and a very “chill” little guy. Moto likes to play with his blanket and toys at home. He loves to go to the dog park to play chase with other dogs, and enjoy pets from their owners. Moto is calm, cute, and cuddly most of the time, however he can also be silly, sassy, and stubborn.

Breed: English Cream/Golden Retriever | Birthday: March 28, 2016 | Sex: Male | Bio: Murphy brings smiles to everyone he meets. He enjoys interacting with children and he truly LOVES all people. Overall, he craves human attention and is fine with new situations.

Breed: Havanese Mix | Birthday: May 5, 2016 | Sex: Female | Bio: “NECTAR” is the sweetest fluid secreted by a flower. I was rescued by a NO Kill facility at birth. They named me “Nectar” and I have truly lived up to my name! I have been adopted . Now I will share my sweet love with you!

Breed: Mini Bernedoodle | Birthday: January 23, 2022 | Sex: Female | Bio: "Noelani" means "Heavenly Mist" in Hawaiian | Hobbies: Playing with squeaky toys and de-stuffing others. No-E is very quick on her paws when playing with her brother Kalani and being with children.

Breed: Springer Spaniel | Birthday: August 24, 2020 | Sex: Male | Bio: Otis is a 3-year-old, English Springer Spaniel. You will never meet a more loveable cuddle bum than this guy. He lives for socializing (with both people and dogs alike) and for getting snuggles and pets (and treats, of course). Otis was born to be a therapy dog. I wish I could say that I trained him, but he really trained himself. He's a natural; just give him a few pets and he'll be your friend for life.

Breed: 40% Chihuahua, and about 20% Pomeranian and 20% Pug | Birthday: May 5th, 2016 | Sex: Female | Bio: Pebbles was adopted from Living Free Animal Sanctuary in Idyllwild. Pebbles ran out of the kennel and hopped directly into my lap! I knew immediately that Pebs was a special girl. She is full of kindness and love. She loves meeting new people for some petting and kisses. People are drawn to Pebbles. Pebbles has a very gentle, healing, and loving vibe. Pebbles is an AKC registered and titled Canine Good Citizen!

Breed: Golden Retriever | Birthday: June 9, 2019 | Sex: Female | Bio: Rakeara is a Golden Retriever who loves to run, chase the ball, swim, and seek out new adventures hiking in the local area. Rakeara's nickname is Keara, and she loves to attend community events and us always making new friends wherever she goes. Keara's favorite place to be rubbed is right behind the ears. She loves to love and be loved.

Breed: Australian Labradoodle | Birthday: October 12, 2021 | Sex: Female | Bio: Rainey is a 2-year-old Australian Labradoodle. I bought Rainey from a breeder at Moonlit Acre Farms in Vancouver WA. I waited for the right size and temperament because I was planning on training ger to be my service dog. She was fully trained in Palm Desert as my service dog for my genetic condition called Ehler-Danlos Syndrome and she supports me with this. Rainey is calm, sweet, and affectionate. She loves to play chase when off leash. On leash she is super aware of me and her surroundings. She gets along with other dogs and people. She loves to be pet and will snuggle up to others for affection and attention. She goes on long hikes, walks, and is involved in agility at the Zoom Room back in Tacoma Washington.

Breed: Chiweenie | Birthday: January 5, 2022 | Sex: Male | Ringo is full of fun and joy! He loves people, playing catch and treats. As soon as he hears a squeaky toy, he's ready to play. He also enjoys, exploring. taking walks and doing puzzles. When he's not sniffing around or chasing a ball, he's cuddling and hoping for a good tummy rub. He's always cheerful, fund and so cute!

Breed: Russell Terrier | Age: May 18, 2022 Sex: Male Ripley is a spunky, lively, inquisitive, and friendly Russell Terrier. A cousin of the Jack Russell Terrier, he excels at and is his happiest when he has a job to do. He shines at doling out kisses and is intuitive and compassionate in his human interactions. He may look like a plush toy come to life, but he is an eager, tireless working terrier. His favorite toys all have squeakers. He loves to swim and can fetch a ball for hours.

Breed: Cockappo | Birthday: September 8, 2019 | Sex: Male | Bio: I was born in Virginia and took a drive cross country to beautiful San Diego to meet my mom. I love life in Southern California. My favorite activities are going on walks with Mom, running at the beach, and visiting people. I like all people, children, and love playing with my toys. My all-time favorite thing to do is to swim and chase ducks!!!

Breed: German Shepherd Dog (Long Coat) | Age: May 24, 2020 | Sex: Female Handler/Owner: Tracie Brack Sami is a very sweet, thoughtful, and calm dog. She came to us that way at 8 weeks of age. She is very social and loves people, especially kids. She also loves meeting other calm dogs. Sami has a good vocabulary, learns names quickly and loves to communicate with people. At home, she pushes buttons to let us know when she wants to “go to the park” or “play outside.” Her favorite things to do is play outside with her flirt pole or play fetch. She also loves to play hide and seek. We tease Sami about having FOMO because you can’t do a group hug without her jumping up and joining in.

Breed: Eskipoo | Birthday: July 1, 2019 | Sex: Male | Bio: Tucker is cheerful, affectionate, and very personable. He gets along well with other dogs and with all types of people. He loves to play with his lambie, enjoys going for walks with his pawrents. Tucker likes to give kisses and hi-fives, and he enjoys performing for others. He loves to snuggle up and enjoys being on your lap. He is very attentive, intelligent, and friendly.
Our Retired Therapy Dogs
Thank you for your service.
In Memoriam
In loving memory, Animal Samaritans recognizes the following dogs for their dedication in Animal Companion Therapy.